A cop from the town of Ridgefield shot a mother bear dead somewhere near his Newtown home.  It was said that his reason for doing so was that she was terrorizing his chickens and ducks that he insisted be allowed to free-range on his property.

“A terrorist is a terrorist,” the shooter said to his buddies at Newtown police; “there’s just no two ways about it.”  There was a time when Bethel and Newtown cops used to roam wooded areas, randomly firing off their pistols.  “Just a little target practice; we were just funnin’, you know.”  This wanton gunplay has become deeply entrenched in their culture.  It will be difficult to root this out.  They may have to be sent to re-education camp, where the only known cure is deep waterboarding. “Boys will be boys.”

The Mama bear’s cubs were left to fend for themselves.