This website is dedicated to the idea that nothing is sacred…not cows, not pigs, nothing.  We shall ridicule every pretension.  We shall prick every balloon.  We shall tweak every nose.  We shall deflate every pomposity.  Beware the self-righteous; beware the sanctimonious.  We shall find you and root you out.   You will be made the butt of jokes and be mocked in the public forum.  And you’re welcome to turn it on us. We can take it.

The two-part structure of the website is such that the commentary on the culture appears under the menu headings “To Whom It May Concern” and “Gallery of Rogues,” while the personal, and more anonymous, writings appear under the menu headings “Books of Ruminations, “Correspondence,” and “Obituaries.”

Evidently, this website is now a place of work, and no longer a place solely for ridiculing the culture.  Instead, our own writing will be put up for ridicule.  So have at it.  Some posts may be open for commentary, as we are bereft of ideas and could use some of yours.  But keep it clean.

The name of the site comes from a very dear Danny Kaye film, called The Court Jester, and not because we think we are particularly funny, though we continue to wonder who the joke is really on in this vale of tears.

You may write to us at or just Comment below.

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