Hey, Howard…

Thank you for the prompt turnaround; you must be spinning still.  I will research their equipment on the film.  Also, thanks for the tip on Sarah Polley; but I was onto her already.  Can’t wait to see it, and then get into her mom’s pants too, if she’s still alive.  And Sarah herself, if she wants to take after her mom.  My own mom had fourteen lovers that we kids could document.  Who knows how many more there were.  Unfortunately, we all actually issued from her real husband.  No shit.

I’m sorry I don’t have any good, interesting tips for you, in exchange, except maybe that you should get a toupee, which is what I just did.  You should see it, it looks great.  It’s jet black and curly, the kind I always wanted.  Everybody at the SLC dinner commented on it, saying it took years off my life, or did it add them?, I forget.  Two women there, and one guy, asked if I would have sex with them. That’s quite an endorsement.  It was a great, typical SLC evening.

I hope that Myra’s retirement from the SLC board doesn’t mean we shall see less of you folks.  You’ve always been an inspiration to me.

Loive, JP