Tennis? Anyone?

Take the recent fawning adulation received by Roger F and Serena W on the news of their retirement Gentlemen’s game? Humiliating/Frustrating Brings out the worst in people We don’t get off on it, when we beat an opponent.  And it is especially galling when an opponent beats you, and he clearly gets of on it. …

A Letter to a Classmate

Dear Mike, I have been wanting to write, to reach out, to you, since our Class reunion and your last communication with some of us on the Committee. Alas, I must write you now on a quite different subject. Dear friends and classmates, our Reunion team,After five weeks of unexpected turbulence, my family has entered…

LE Memoir: Lotte

Lotte could not be challenged, on anything. If you, or it, didn’t conform with her view, either it did not exist, or it was a personal insult. She could ignore anything not on the approved list. (eg. Myra’s announcement of pregnancy…Lotte contonued to speak right over it). It was awesome to behold, and scary…she could…

Romney Up Against the Wall (Continued)

Romney Up Against the Wall (Continued)

[…] JERUSALEM! The arrival of the seven-mile-long motorcade was preceded by the descent on the scene of hundreds of Israeli local police and even more Israeli Defense Forces regulars, bristling with every weapon imaginable, from long sabers to bazookas and shoulder-mounted mortars. Colorful tourists and sombre religious Hasidim were all shooed out of the way…