Once again, we’ve been had.  Bethel voters, on a paltry turnout of six or seven hundred voters, approved a $ 1.4 million package for equiping a driving range at the headquarters that looks like a prison yard.  Hey, form follows function.

Or was it a shooting range?  There was so little publicity, or debate, that the only way we learned of it was when the town sent out a notice (required by law?) over the weekend about this vote on Tuesday.  Nothing like manipulating the voter turnout.  Who stole the vote this time?  We are reminded of the time when the whole prison yard complex came up for a vote.  And they LOST! Also on a paltry turnout.  They were furious.  But they learned their lesson: it wasn’t going to happen again.  No more intimidation at the meeting by strategically placed overweight Irish bulls.  Let’s just can the meeting.  Three cheers for transparency.

Next, they’ll be asking for a swimming pool and squash courts.

How about $ 1.4 million for trees along Greenwood Avenue, of which we have a few puny, dying ones?  Nice move, that.  Hey, policing in such a middle-class, law abiding town is so dangerous and fraught with risk that the flatfoots need places to relax and unwind.

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