We ran across this item recently in the Class Notes of our alumni magazine:

Reed Hundt from his Blackberry: “I just invested in an off-Broadway play, Old Jews Telling Jokes.  Betsy and I attended the opening in mid-May.  Please go often so we can have a hit. We still live in Chevy Chase and I still travel to Silicon Valley monthly, where I’m an adviser to or board member of various companies.  Back in DC I’m an adviser to Skadden Arps where I work with Fred Goldberg, and I also have an office in a separate venture with Greg Lawler.  My son Adam works at Cisco in the Valley; my son Nate, Yale ‘xx, has a summer job at Google; and daughter Sara works in the East Bay.  So we intend to visit Kyle Gee more often.  I am the CEO of a nonprofit that helps states set up green banks (low-cost long-term loans) for clean tech financing.  Jim Schweitzer helps us.  I’m interviewing Obama administration figures for a book to be published by Yale University Press next year.”

Well.  Far be it from us to sound like old jews telling jokes.  Herewith is our own submission to the class notes.

“My wife Manya and I too have invested in a farce, Middle-Aged Children Still Living at Home.  Please come often to help defray some of the costs.  We still live in the run-down part of Bridgeport, under the Interstate, and we still travel to the Third World where we are advisors to or board members of various soup kitchens and boat-builders for boat-people.  Back in CT, I am an adviser to Indigent Gay Brazilians for Freedom where I don’t work with Jeff Pollock or Jeff Denner.  I also have an office in a separate venture with Kosta Georgiades, in which we sell used auto parts to unsuspecting do-it-yourselfers.  My son Alec, who never got out of high school, works at a homeless shelter in the (Castro) Valley; my son Nico (Harvard Training Institute – HTI ’09) finds occasional work when he is sober; and daughter Rachel works the entire East Bay, when not in jail.  We’d like to visit Kyle Gee too, more often than we do, since he can probably afford to treat us to lunch.  I am the CIO of a non-profit family office that has branches in CT, Switzerland and São Paulo.  Since there is very little money to run, perhaps we could manage Reed Hundt’s money for him.  Jeff Judd helps us on this.  We have been interviewing graduates of the Clinton administration for a book on how to profit from your time in government service.  We are still looking for a publisher.”