So, duh, is the Pope Catholic?
No, he’s a Jesuit.
So, duh, is the Pope Catholic?
No, he’s a Jesuit.
Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut When we were freshmen, we were required to eat most of our meals in a huge dining hall called Commons with a four- or five-story ceiling so high that the lights on the tables couldn’t reach it. It made us feel gloriously insignificant. It made one of our classmates, Steve…
A cop from the town of Ridgefield shot a mother bear dead somewhere near his Newtown home. It was said that his reason for doing so was that she was terrorizing his chickens and ducks that he insisted be allowed to free-range on his property. “A terrorist is a terrorist,” the shooter said to his…
In Process… Yale Commons is renamed after wealthy donor-Schwartzman Yale Drama School renamed for wealthy donor-Geffen Various Yale Buildings named for good earner-Swensen Yale University renamed for wealthy donor-KingofJesters (KingofJesters University?)
Dateline 1625 Representatives of the twelve great Nations of the eastern seaboard met in conclave today in the wickiups of the Long Island to discuss the most important issues confronting their people, chief among them the existential crisis created by the landings of hundreds of ships with their cargos of unwanted white immigrants. Immigration is…
Wonders will never cease. From the massive concrete bunkers poured into the once pristine alpine meadows, comes the news that the subject of global income inequality was actually on the agenda. It’s hard to imagine a lively discussion since no one from the lower 99% was likely to be attending, and we weren’t there either. …
We would love to have the metadata on Goldman Sachs et. al. Anybody selling?